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My research focuses on an overarching research question: How does the knowledge as well as the type of decision making approach employed by firms or individuals shape their choices and performance ?

I am particularly interested in the role of theories and abstract knowledge.

I have explored this question with conceptual as well as mixed-methods empirical research, based on observational studies, natural, lab, and field experiments, and qualitative analysis.


I have focused on four main areas: Decision making in Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Knowledge and Value Appropriation, Vertical and Horizontal Boundaries of Innovative Firms, Innovation and Firm Relationships with Stakeholders

Links to selected publications​​

▸ SMS 2021 Best Paper Prize

▸ DRUID 2021 Best Paper Prize

▸ AOM 2021 STR distinguished paper award

in knowledge, innovation and human capital

▸ AOM 2021 Best Paper Proceedings

2022 Kauffman Best Paper Awards

in Entrepreneurial Cognition Finalist



  • Valentine, J., Novelli, E., Agarwal, R. The Theory-Based View and Strategic Pivots: The Effects of Formalization in Cognition and Action on the Type and Nature of Pivots. Strategy Science


  • Coali, A, Novelli, E., Sirigiri, A., Spina, C. 2024. Designing entrepreneurial decisions, Journal of Business Venturing Design

         ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀▸ SIIE.EBS/Mikroforum Best-Paper-Award Innovation Management 2013


Work in progress

  • Di Stefano, G., Novelli, E, Hetu, M. Burying the hatchet? Colocation, competition and the performance benefits of diversity

  • Hueller et al. Benefiting from a shock: innovation in connectedness and architectural advantage in platform-based ecosystems

  • Ebrahim, M., Gaonkar,S., Kapoor, R., Lavie, D., Novelli, E., Winston Smith, S. Innovation and cooperation in ecosystems in the face of distrust: The implication of the Cambridge Analytica scandal for Facebook's partners

  • Novelli, E., A scientific approach to entrepreneurial decision-making as Bayesian learning.

  • A theory-based view of capital structure

  • Ahuja, G., Novelli E. The perils of complexity: Change in product interdependencies and firm performance⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

▸ Best Paper IG Knowledge and Innovation Award,

SMS Conference Denver

Book chapters​​

  • Ahuja, G., Novelli, E. 2013. Innovation strategies. In Teece D.J., Augier M., The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management, Palgrave

  • Ahuja, G., Novelli, E.  2013.  M&A and innovation. In Dodgson M., Gann, D., Phillips N. The Handbook of Innovation Management, Oxford University Press

  • Ahuja, G., Novelli, E.  2011. Knowledge structures and innovation: Useful abstractions, lessons learnt and unanswered questions. In Mark Easterby-Smith, Marjorie A. Lyles The Blackwell Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management, Second Edition, Wiley – Blackwell

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